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ISIS likely to target CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS in next terror attack on Britain

BRITISH cities are at risk of a major terror attack at Christmas, as Islamic State extremists plot their next assault after the horror Paris terrorist attacks.

A terror expert has warned the festive period makes the iconic landmarks in the UK a « soft target », with tourists, shoppers and revellers a likely target.

MI5 has warned Britain is facing the highest threat of a terror attack than it has ever experienced, with seven terror attacks foiled in Britain in the last six months alone and nine dsisrupted overseas in this year alone.

Britain is now on red alert following the Paris terror attacks which have so far claimed the lives of 129 people.

Will Geddes, head of global security firm International Corporate Protection, believes extremists will be planning for a lone wolf to carry out attacks on the streets of London similar to the atrocity at the Tunisian holiday resort of Sousse.

Mr Geddes said: « None of us are safe anywhere unless you are on a remote island.

« For groups like ISIS they want a maximum media impact with any horrific attack that has people begging to return to their home nations.

« But those resorts are emptying out. It won’t have the gravitas on an empty resort.

« We may or may not see those threats moving more inland to major cities as one would expect from any terrorist group.

« These risks may be moving more into central locations. »

Security sources have revealed terror police are monitoring more than 3,000 Islamist extremists in Britain.

Mr Geddes believes a successful attack on a city such as London, Birmingham or Manchester, would be seen as a major propaganda coup for ISIS.

And busy landmarks such as outside Buckingham Palace or the shopping district at Oxford Street could be likely targets.

Mr Geddes told the Daily Star: « Lone wolf attacks are much more harder to detect.

« When you look at a terrorist group you ask ‘what is their key objective?’. In ISIS it will be to cause human death or casualty.

« They are very media savvy and will look for optimum carnage that will be relayed around the world.

« If around London there is going to be more publicity in Parliament Square than the backstreets of Wandsworth.

« Terrorists, as do criminals, look for the softest targets. »

The new threat shifts the focus away from Brits abroad.

British and western tourists were under an extreme threat of attack at holiday resorts across the Spanish coast and north Africa during the popular summer holiday season.

In June, 30 Brits were killed by lone gunman Seifeddine Rezgui as they sunbathed in Sousse.

The ISIS-inspired killer casually sailed to a seaside hotel and opened fire with his Kalashnikov rifle.

The attack sent shockwaves around the world.

Just days later Brit holidaymakers were warned ISIS were targeting popular resorts across the Spanish coast.

The once sun-soaked beaches are emptying as the winter months draw near and terrorists could be setting their sights on causing carnage in cities.

However, Calum Jeffray, a national security expert with the Royal United Services Institute, believes the threat abroad continues with lone wolf operations the most likely.

He said: « The terror threat is not necessarily any worse than it has been over the past few months.

« British holidaymakers are not specifically targeted by ISIS as extremists are more focused on political objectives in Iraq and Syria.

« The attacks we have seen are lone wolf which are much more difficult for authorities to identify and counter. »

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17 décembre 2015